Saturday, August 29, 2009


I start this post in the A&E department of Cheltenham district hospital.

Last night returning to our caravan I put my foot in a hole and twisted/wrenched something, I then managed to walk about 1/4 of a mile back to the van. But after a bad night I found it wouldn't take my weight. So we decided a trip to A&E was required to see if anything was broken and if not try and find out what I had don, so here we are waiting to see a Dr.

A couple of minutes after starting this post I was ushered in to see a Triage nurse, then back to the waiting room until a Dr was available. I saw the Dr who was the consultant no less, he poked and prodded my foot about and then decided an X-ray was necessary. The next thing I knew was that the consultant himself was wheeling me to X-ray. The X-ray was duly taken and then back to the consultant and the moment of truth.

Would we be going to the plaster room or would our trip continue? I held my breath, as he gave me the verdict, soft tissue damage, which should clear up in a few days with ice, rest and ibuprofen to bring down the swelling. And crutches to help me get around for the next few days.

I must admit a few tears were shed, tears of relief as much as anything else, and of course grateful thanks to our wonderful NHS who once again have come up trumps when I have damaged myself.


Smudger4 said...

Glad it's not more serious!

Fred's mum said...


Hope you didn't stumble over George, Yorkie and Gio when they were practising another bear overboard drill! They might have decided to fall off more directly in your path this time to see if you'd notice more quickly!

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God that it was no worse. Rest it properly so that it heals quickly.With love Mum and Dad Sykes.

Anonymous said...

Well done both of you! Hope your foot better Jeremy and your hoppin. Really jealous-trip of lifetime stuff and you're both my heroes. Can't wait to see all your amazing photos. When you climb a mountain, don't forget to breathe.
Rain came to Sherranum tonight - smelled sweet.
Lots of love, Sarah