Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back in the UK

As you can see by the title of this post, we are now back in the UK. We arrived late on Sunday evening and were picked up by my parents.

Monday saw us visiting the local minor injuries clinic in St Albans to get my foot checked out. They confirmed that our decision to suspend our Camino to Santiago for this year, was the correct course of action as my foot would only get worse (with continued walking) and it could result in lasting damage. I now have to rest it for the next six to eight weeks.

So what next? We still have just over a month of the sabbatical to run. If we had been able to continue, we would have arrived in Santiago on about the 8th November and would have gone on to Finisterre. We then planned to take some time to reflect on our experience and catch up with family and friends. It is still our intention to do just this and to make good use of our remaining time.

As promised there will be more posts, and I plan to add pictures to many of the previous posts, so please keep reading.

Love Jeremy and Lesley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must be devastated. I'm so very sorry that you could not complete your pilgrimage. Rick and I send our love and hope you will be able to comfort each other and allow yourselves to enjoy the rest of your holiday. Take care and come home soon. Sarah xxxxxxx