Monday, October 5, 2009

Ostabat to St Jean

This is only going to be a short post as I am using a French keyboard in an Internet cafe as our charging cable for our ipods fell apart this afternoon, just before I tried to charge my ipod.

We have tried in vain to get a cable but will have to wait till we get to Pamplona so if you don't hear from us for a few days this is the reason why!

The day started with a very red sunrise, and I immediately thought of the nursery rhyme Red sky at night shepherds delight, red sky in the morning shepherds warning. The day proved to be hot and sultry. Even though we had a very short distance to travel and the terrain was good it just seemed to take a lot of effort. We arrived at St Jean the official end of the French leg and beginning of the Spanish (even though we have another day's walking in France).

Porte Saint-Jacques, Saint-Jean_Pied-de-Port

Our first task was to check out the weather to decide on the optimum crossing time. Unfortunately after over a month of hot and dry weather it looks like it is going to turn tomorrow and Wednesday. As a result we are going to do our crossing of the Pyrenees over two days rather than one, and will set out tomorrow morning after we have done a few jobs. If between now and Pamplona I can get access to the net I will do a more detailed post on our time in St Jean and what ever else we have got up to.

On the Camino in France.


Anonymous said...

I think you're doing marvellously; you're both completely wonderful! How much love you have for each other shows so clearly in how much fun you're having and in how you cope with everything that comes your way and to bother to share your experiences with us is beyond the call of duty. I have so enjoyed your stories and sharing in a small way your momentous journey -keep your chin up and we wish you god speed across the pyrenees.
Love, Sarah xxxx

john mcc said...

Hi Jeremy and Lesley!

We have so enjoyed reading about your wonderful pilgrimage, the folk you have met along the way, and the love you have imparted, as you both do.
How we would have enjoyed sharing one of those French culinary evenings with you; Salgues seems to confirm that the French are much more concerned about satisfying the taste buds...perfect!
Our love and best wishes to you as your pilgrimage takes you to the Basque country, its people and their hospitality.
John & Emily

Fred's mum said...


If it's any consolation, it's been pretty wet here the last 2 days, but sorry to warn you, October is supposed to be Spain's wettest month! Can't believe you've nearly done the French leg! Sounds like it will end in an impressive way with the Pyrenees. No pain no gain as they say!